Tuesday, 3 September 2013

Back to business

*Hides head in shame* Oh, hi there guys. Yes I know, the first blog post in two months, I should be shunned from the blogosphere! But I'm delighted to say I'm back with a vengeance! :)

Let's have a bit of a catch up! Soooo, last time I blogged was when I was about to leave for London. I know, I did promise regular blog posts and updates about my little adventure, but who knew the life of a fashion intern could be so tiring and stressful? Oh everyone already knew that? My bad :/ I found myself getting back home at 9pm at night and all I wanted to do was crash, I didn't even have the mental capacity to blog. ( Poor me, someone fetch the violins!) And at the weekends, all I wanted to do was soak up as much of London as I could so I never even glanced at the laptop screen.

Since I was over in London for the month of July, that put me out of blogging, and when I returned home so much was going on between weddings and my brand new little nephew, who is unbelievably 'suh cyuuute,' I put my little 'ol blog on the back burner. Apologies guys :(

However I am now ready to get back down to business! If you guys are interested, I'll blog a little about my London experience, working as a fashion intern in Ponystep magazine; doing collections and returns, assisting on photoshoots, learning the streets of London like the back of my hand and calling in A-MAZ-ING clothes ;) So let me know if you'd be interested in hearing about that or seeking advice from a former intern!

Also, since I'm heading back to college in a few weeks time I will be doing a few little posts about 'What to Wear: Freshers Week', What to bring to College and College beauty essentials. And for any readers who about to head off to college for the first time, I wish you the very best of luck :)

That's all for now guys, keep an eye out for more posts coming very, very soon.
Pinky promise <3

PS: I've thrown in a few pics from London - Totes hisptaaa. lol jk. Ok bye.

                                                                    -Orlaith xoxo
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